Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Snakes game pre-alpha screenshots

Well, it's been a while again. My bad...

Considering my last significant post was about harping on a game critic for making a developer of bad games feel bad, that's probably an even worse place to take a break from writing.

It might be better to finally just talk about my own bad games in progress instead.

Lately, I've been working on a tile-based puzzle game regarding snakes. Here's a few screenshots.

The game itself consists of controllable snakes which fall from the ceiling of a level into a large pit area. The player's control moves from snake to snake as each one comes in from the ceiling. The goal of the game is to prevent the pile of snakes that forms from reaching all the way to the top. To aid this, snakes in this game have an interesting mechanic that causes snakes of a similar color to "eat" each other, clearing space for more snakes to fit in.

Right now, it's just called "Snakes", but the working title is "Snakes, Lizards, and Lamias". Currently, people who've played it kind of compare it to a combination of the classic Snake, Tetris, and Dr. Mario.

So far, it's in kind of an unknown place, though the plan is to make it a game for PC, Android, and iPhone (potentially iOS on the whole). I have a working build of the game that's portable to both the PC and my Android phone at the moment.

Complaints right now are about the graphics being kind of kind of basic and ugly. You might notice the coin sprite is nicked from Mario, which also needs to be resolved soon. I plan to work those things out very soon, as the game mechanics at this point feel solid enough that the game is at least fun and challenging.

Updates soon, I promise!